القائمة الرئيسية


What is Culture and Multiculturalism ماذا تعني الثقافة والتعددية الثقافية


?What is culture

Culture encompasses the social norms and behaviors of a particular society or group, and those norms and behaviors vary greatly across peoples and countries. One of the most descriptive, and perhaps most accurate, concepts of culture uses an iceberg to illustrate the components of culture that are obvious and those that are hidden, offering a clear illustration of just how complicated culture can be to interpret and understand 

?How Does Culture Make Communication Difficult

Communication issues with individuals from other cultures stem from the ways in which a particular culture applies hierarchies, understands communication norms, makes assumptions about interactions, finalizes and institutes decisions, and much more. For instance, consider direct vs indirect communication styles. 

Western cultures and parts of Latin America tend to be much more straightforward with their communication which means they say what they mean and tend to be frank and honest with their feedback. Some non-Western cultures, on the other hand, are not as direct in their communication and have a tendency to imply responses or avoid directly responding to questions

Additionally, the use of hierarchies and authority within organizations can have a profound impact on communications. One culture might be well versed in the idea of a flat organization where anyone can raise issues to the CEO or managers. In other organizations, the hierarchical ladder must be observed and workers towards the bottom are only supposed to bring up these new ideas or problems with their direct manager  

10 Tips for Improving Your Intercultural Communication Skills

How can you improve intercultural communications 

Tips for Achieving Successful Intercultural Communications

 Do your homework

If you know ahead of time who you will be speaking with or what country you will be visiting, it makes sense to research cultural norms and standards, and communication methods for that particular place. Do not walk into the situation unprepared if you can avoid it.


It might be uncomfortable for you and the person you are asking, but by showing your willingness to ask when you don’t understand or when you lack the cultural knowledge necessary to avoid cultural faux paux, you are demonstrating your willingness to learn more about a new culture and the prevailing communication norms instead of rushing through unaware.

 Accept that you’ll commit error

Even with all the research you’re going to do and the questions you’re going to ask, you will still make mistakes. Don’t take it personally, rather do your best to be self-aware, actively learn from your mistake and apologize if you offend anyone or cross boundaries. Mistakes will always happen, the problem begins when you don’t use a mistake as an opportunity to learn to avoid the same issues in the future.

Avoid colloquialisms, jokes, and idioms

Humor is culture oriented and until you have spent significant months or years learning it, jokes should be avoided as it can be easy to offend or belittle, and in professional situations that can spell disaster. Idioms should be avoided for a different reason, and that is that they vary greatly by culture and often aren’t translatable. In Colombia, “Hacemos la vaca” means to collect money to buy something together. It has no literal meaning and if you weren’t with someone who could explain, you would be very confused as to why people were making a cow.

 Practice actively listening and observing

Listening is a highly regarded skill. When communicating with others from another culture, it is incredibly important to actively pay attention and listen to what people are telling you. Listening can help you understand that there isn’t one right way to conduct interactions. Additionally, varying viewpoints or ideas might contradict your own, but you’ll still need to listen respectfully.

Repeat or confirm what you think was being said

It can be helpful to repeat or confirm what you believe to have been the objective of the conversation. This process will help you avoid misunderstandings, especially when speaking different languages. Write it out if you have to, but make sure you align everyone’s understanding before moving forward.

 Don’t ask yes or no questions

Instead, use open-ended questions to avoid confusion. With open-ended questions, the person with whom you are interacting must explain or clearly outline their point, making it easier to understand their response and the context surrounding it.

 Pay attention to nonverbal communication

Communication is also extremely nonverbal. Pay attention to nonverbal cues such as intonation, eye contact, and posture. Observe how people conduct interactions with others from their same culture and follow their lead. Certain cultures avoid strong eye contact when speaking, so you’ll make someone highly uncomfortable if you are trying to force strong eye contact they are not used to doing the same.

 Speak slowly and clearly

This will help you avoid mistakes and seeming nervous. Speaking slowly and clearly is often interpreted as being confident. Additionally, taking time to think before you speak can help you to avoid communication issues and words you might regret later.

 Take a deep breath and enjoy it

It can be a challenge to communicate effectively with people from other cultures, and you are bound to find people with whom you can communicate more effectively and more enjoyably than others. Remember, that the whole process is a lifelong lesson in empathy, understanding, and self-awareness which can translate to vastly improved professional and personal interactions and successes beyond just intercultural communications. So, take a deep breath and start communicating! 

طالع الصفحات التالية للتعرف على معنى الثقافة ومكوناها ومعنى التعددية الثقافية وكيفية تقبل الغير

كيف نحترم التنوع الثقافي

مكونات الثقافة

الصدمة الثقافية

Further Practice

تطبيق مجاناً لاثراء اللغة من خلال التحدث أجانب 

ادخل للموقع سالف الذكر وحمل التطبيق مجاناً وتحدث مع أبناء اللسان الناطقين باللغة الإنجليزية


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